California Wedding Sparkler Laws
California Wedding Sparklers

Wedding Sparklers In California
California's biggest cities are Los Angeles, San Diego, and San Jose. These are also California's busiest cities. Due to the fact that California is among one of the populated states in the United States of America, a great percentage of weddings take place throughout California. Wedding Sparklers started in major United States cities and gradually grew on to the neighboring states among friends and families. From the beginning, we here at Grand Wedding Exit have supplied and maintained the customer database for the West Coast spanning across to the East Coast. California is home to “General Sherman,” a 3,500-year-old tree. This give California the foundation to represent who they really are. That tree has stood through the greatest and toughest times of California history. We know that wedding sparklers are readily available throughout California. Wedding sparklers have made an impact on the wedding scene in the state. A stand of bristle-cone pines that are 4,000 years old are also stagnant in California's oldest areas. These along with wedding sparklers are considered to be the oldest forms of bringing a group of people together for one purpose.
State of California Sparkler Laws:
California permits consumer Fireworks that are not prohibited below. They prohibit firecrackers, skyrockets, rockets, roman candles, chasers, surprise items, friction items, torpedoes, items resembling food, fireworks containing arsenic, phosphorus, thiocyanates magnesium (magnesium alloys permitted), mercury salts, picrates or picric acid, gallates or gallic acid, chlorates, (except those of alkali or earth metals), boron, titanium (except larger than 100 mesh), zirconium, gunpowder, and fireworks kits. The selling period for California is noon, June 28, through noon, July 6. California has a age of purchase restriction of 16 years old. Novelty sparklers are allowed int he all of California. Our 36 inch sparklers continue to be the most popular sparklers for weddings. Make sure to check our sparkler safety page to ensure your sparklers go off without a hitch on your wedding night.
*At Grand Wedding Exit we always strive to keep our sparkler laws updated with the most current California regulations. We cannot guarantee the accuracy of our sparkler information. We use this as a guideline for you to reference and you should always check with California state law before using sparklers for your wedding. Grand Wedding Exit is not held accountability for an errors in the information stated on our website, and will not be responsible for any violations of firework and sparkler laws.